This English post was published on August 10, 2020. It contains 237 words and should take no more than 2 minutes to read.
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Moving from WordPress to Hugo

Over the last few years I gained a feeling that WordPress requires too much maintenance despite the fact that I have not been adding new content to my site. Every few months some plugin broke with a new WordPress version or the site just started to look weird in some browsers or site layout broke on mobile devices etc. At the end of 2017 I decided I don’t want to waste my time dealing with this kind of problems anymore and I replaced dynamically generated WordPress site with static site generated by Hugo.

I’m using Hugo for more than two years now and I am very happy with it mostly because over that period of time my site required zero maintenance. I remember that content migration took me a little longer than I expected (because I manually reviewed the content of all my older articles) but I also remember it was fun. During the migration I created my very own gorgeous theme heavily inspired by the website with an offensive name which once and for all solved all my previous browser and device compatibility issues.

Things I like most about this change:

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License: Unless otherwise stated, all content on this website is licensed under CC BY 4.0.
Contact: Feel free to drop me an e-mail to if you have any questions or comments.
Disclaimer: The views expressed on this website are my own and do not reflect the views of my employer or any organizations with which I am or have been associated.
Technology: This website is maintained in its own Git repository and brought to life by the Hugo static site generator.
Legalities: This website does not use cookies.