Hello stranger!
My name is Jaroslav and I live near Bratislava, the capital and largest city of Slovakia. I am former system administrator, now full-time software engineer and open source developer, who enjoys writing software in C and C# languages. I am also self-proclaimed PKCS#11 guru and a wannabe rock climber.
My “professional” profile can be viewed on LinkedIn and most of my open source projects (Pkcs11Interop, Pkcs11Admin, KUK360, IPwatchD and others) are hosted on GitHub. I share software development related information on Twitter/X and from time to time I help other developers on StackOverflow.
I publish photos on Instagram and Facebook, infrequently also videos on YouTube.
I can be reached via e-mail at jimrich@jimrich.sk and (hopefully) only I can read information encrypted with my public GPG key.
I occasionally write blog posts. They are available via RSS feed and also listed here:
2024-08-30 - - Stopárov sprievodca ferratami
2024-01-16 - - My 360° photo journey - Part 2
2022-09-27 - - Predal som môj prvý dron a ďalší si už nekúpim
2020-08-16 - - My 360° photo journey - Part 1
2020-08-10 - - Moving from WordPress to Hugo
2017-03-22 - - Vyhotovovanie elektronických podpisov na diaľku
2015-12-14 - - Troubleshooting Pkcs11Interop with PKCS11-LOGGER
2015-11-23 - - Basic analysis of segmentation fault on Linux platforms
2015-01-18 - - Environment.SpecialFolder on Windows, Linux and OS X
2013-02-02 - - Pkcs11Interop 1.0.0
2012-02-15 - - Interoperabilita ZEP - Yeti moderného sveta
2011-11-19 - - PKCS11-LOGGER 1.0
2011-08-17 - - SoftHSM for Windows
2009-07-28 - - jQuery - javascript rýchlo a efektívne
2009-05-25 - - SSL autentizácia s webovým serverom Apache
2009-04-12 - - Migrujem z NucleusCMS na WordPress
2009-01-21 - - VPN siete s OpenVPN (5)
2008-12-01 - - VPN siete s OpenVPN (4)
2008-11-11 - - VPN siete s OpenVPN (3)
2008-10-20 - - VPN siete s OpenVPN (2)
2008-10-14 - - VPN siete s OpenVPN (1)
2008-04-25 - - Recenzia ESET Server Security pre Linux/BSD (2)
2008-03-11 - - Recenzia ESET Server Security pre Linux/BSD (1)
2008-02-17 - - Viazanie kravaty
2007-11-26 - - Rest in peace ICQ
2007-05-12 - - Failover cluster s protokolom CARP
2007-04-12 - - Windows ako router
2007-04-06 - - Turbo Delphi a jazyk C
2007-03-21 - - Programovanie LPT v Linuxe
2006-12-30 - - Ktorý modul je ten správny?
2006-12-26 - - Inštalácia OpenBSD
2006-12-01 - - Detekcia IP konfliktu v Linuxe - IPwatchD
2006-11-03 - - Soekris embedded firewall a m0n0wall
2006-08-06 - - Ja Ubuntu, ty Ubuntu
2006-08-03 - - Apache, PHP, MySQL a Windows
2006-08-01 - - Zmena štýlu
2006-05-23 - - Diplomová práca - web release
2006-02-23 - - Vzdialene, graficky a šifrovane
2006-02-21 - - OpenBSD na SUN SparcStation4
2005-12-28 - - Sila GnuPG
2005-11-27 - - Moje dojmy z Genius MousePen 8x6
2005-11-25 - - Bakalárska práca - web release
2005-11-08 - - Ako na vsftpd
2005-10-27 - - Kurz Linuxu
2005-10-19 - - Intel PRO/Wireless 2100 a Linux
2005-09-02 - - Monitoring serveru s mobilom Siemens
2005-07-19 - - Firewall linuxu s iptables
2005-07-19 - - Let the show begin..
License: Unless stated otherwise, all published content is licensed under the CC BY 4.0.
Disclaimer: The views expressed on this website are mine alone and not those of my employer.
Technology: This website lives in its own git repository and breaths thanks to Hugo static site generator.
Legalities: This website does not use any cookies ¯\_(ツ)_/¯