Viazanie kravaty
Kravatu nosím naozaj iba občas a ako naschvál vždy zabudnem ako sa viaže. Dnes som sa to zase raz naučil (už aspoň desiaty krát), a tak si to radšej zapíšem :)
Prepare, position your tie, up, under, over, across and down. Tighten.
This Slovak post was published on February 17, 2008.
It contains 42 words
and should take no more than 1 minute to read.
You can also read the previous post, or view the list of all posts, or continue to the next post.
Kravatu nosím naozaj iba občas a ako naschvál vždy zabudnem ako sa viaže. Dnes som sa to zase raz naučil (už aspoň desiaty krát), a tak si to radšej zapíšem :)
Prepare, position your tie, up, under, over, across and down. Tighten.
You can also read the previous post, or view the list of all posts, or continue to the next post.
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